Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation

Silent Boat Rally

Sneak up on nature on July 27!

We start at Dwight Beach at 9:00am and paddle 1 km along the Dwight Bay shore to the mouth of the Lower Oxtongue. From the lake it's 4.5 km paddle up the winding river to Marsh's Falls. Take your time and explore the meanders and bays along the way. Each boat will have a list of 36 plants and animals to look for. Prizes are awarded for the most species found. When you reach the falls land at the Marsh's Falls Nature Reserve. Stretch your legs, enjoy a catered lunch by the falls and explore our walking trails. Return to Dwight Beach by 2:00pm. Cost $25 per person.

NOTE: Registration is now closed. 

Send an email to the address below and we will add you to our waiting list.

There are two steps to register:


Email with

  • the number and names of people in your group
  • the number of boats and type of boat (canoe, kayak, paddleboard)
  • any dietary restrictions

Send Interac payment ($25 per person) to   Please add “Silent Boat Rally registration” in the message part of the Interac transfer.

About the Lower Oxtongue and Nature Reserve

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