Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation

Dr. Cathy Charles Bird Count - Results


The weather for our annual Dr. Cathy Charles Bird Count on Saturday, May 18, at the Marsh’s Fall Nature Reserve was perfect with comfortable temperatures and not too many biting insects!  An enthusiastic group of 5 volunteers, led by Rick and Kelly Stronks, amassed a total of 45 species of birds either seen or heard.  This year a volunteer paddled the Oxtongue River and submitted an impressive 36 species count. The highlights include:

  • 14 species of warblers including the uncommon Canada Warbler,
  • 4 singing Winter Wrens,
  • a nesting Eastern Phoebe, and
  • a pair of Pine Siskins and Red Crossbills which may indicate these two species are nesting on the property. 

Other observations include Painted Turtles basking on a log, an Eastern Pine Elfin (an early spring butterfly), trilliums blooming and a few False Morels.

List of 45 species observed

Note to the curious: click on a bird's name for their photo and song.

This brings the total number of species recorded on ten previous bird counts to 71 species. See the complete summary here. 


Unfortunately, we had to cancel the original date for the Dr. Cathy Charles bird count at the Marsh’s Fall Nature Reserve due to heavy rain, but we were able to complete the census a few days later on May 22 with a smaller group. With the help of volunteers Rick and Kelly Stronks, 35 species of birds were documented including a total of 14 species of warblers.  The highlights include:

  • a Bay-breasted Warbler, a new species for the property,
  • 8 Blackburnian Warblers including one that was carrying nesting material, and
  • 10 Ovenbird warblers, the most abundant warbler we heard.

Another exciting find was four different Canada Warblers which is a bird designated as a Species of Concern in Ontario. Since these were all singing males, it is likely this species is nesting on the property!

Other observations include Painted Turtles basking on a log, a Northern Azure (an early spring butterfly), Painted Trilliums blooming and a few False Morels.

View 2023 results

Note to the curious: click on a bird's name for their photo and song.

Nashville Warbler by Kelly Stronks


Despite forecasted showers, we had an excellent morning on May 21 for our annual Dr. Cathy Charles Bird Count at the Marsh’s Fall Nature Reserve. An enthusiastic group of nine volunteers, led by Rick and Kelly Stronks, amassed a total of 37 species of birds either seen or heard. The highlights include 12 species of warblers, two mallards dabbling in a small vernal pool (potentially nesting?) and a ruby-throated hummingbird, the first time this little gem has been recorded on the property. This brings the total number of species recorded on this protected property to 74. Other observations included painted turtles basking on a log, a northern azure (an early spring butterfly), trilliums blooming and a few false morels.

View 2022 results

Note to the curious: click on a bird's name for their photo and song.


We had perfect weather this year of our annual Dr. Cathy Charles Bird Count on the May 15/16 weekend. Although the spring started with very warm temperatures in early April, late April and early May were unusually cool with winds from the north. This delayed the normal migration but by mid-May, just in time for our count, the birds were starting to show up in the Lake of Bays area.

Rick and Kelly Stronks birded the Marsh's Falls property on Saturday and managed to record 39 species of birds including 11 species of warblers, a Spotted Sandpiper and a Broad-wing Hawk which likely nests on the property.

We had 12 families (up from 8 last year) that participated in the stay-at-home challenge. As a group they tallied 45 species!

Together, the final result is 57 species of birds recorded for the weekend, up from 51 species last year! 

View 2021 Results


Despite the weather and the Covid pandemic we had a very successful bird count on the May 9th weekend.

This spring has been unusually cool resulting in a stalled spring bird migration. From reports from across Ontario, it appears that some species are showing up 7 to 10 days later than average. Other species that did arrive, especially the insect specialists, are likely having a difficult time with the temperatures we are experiencing.


Rick and Kelly Stronks birded the Marsh's Falls property on both Saturday and Sunday and managed to record 32 species of birds including three new species: Broad-winged Hawk (pictured above), Blue-headed Vireo and White-crowned Sparrow.


We had eight families that participated in the Lake of Bays stay-at-home challenge and, as a group, tallied 45 species! Together, the final result is 51 species of birds recorded for the weekend!

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